If you bought up the subject of dentures at a BBQ? I would think that you would hear one or two stories that would make you laugh and usually would involve Grandparents or Older relatives. The stories would normally have somebody telling you the fright they got when they discovered by accident on a shelf somewhere some glass container and in that glass, would be
Nana or Pop’s dentures
having a Steradent bath.
The other story you might find is about that relative who would be having a conversation over a family lunch and then all of a sudden their dentures would embarrassingly go flying across the air landing on the dinner table or worst case would land smack bang on a dinner plate of somebody’s Lamb Roast. Yes,
have had some famous moments at family gatherings all funny at the time except for the person that have them flying out of there mouths.
So, what has flying, or bathing dentures got to do with our blog this month? Well if we asked why are the Dentures having the Steradent bath, or why have they grown wings and occasionally fly across the room I think you will find the answer is pretty much the same, that being? “They Don’t Fit”